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Pelvic Physical Therapy for Urinary Incontinence

Don't Let Urinary Incontinence Keep You From Enjoying Life.

Seek Help With Pelvic Physical Therapy.

At The Pelvic Model we can empathize with those who suffer from incontinence. We understand that it can lead you to staying at home due to fear of leaking and/or tracking which places have restrooms before leaving the house. It can lead to difficulty standing at work for prolonged periods of time or worries about long work meetings. It can lead to debates on whether you want to go on that road trip or not.  You are not alone. Not being able to control when you urinate can be quite unpleasant. We understand that being incontinent can take joy right out of life. That is why we suggest you work with a licensed pelvic physical therapist here in Pasadena so you can get to the root cause of your incontinence, and help provide the relief you seek to enjoy everyday tasks again. Call our clinic today at (323) 403-0234 or click here to schedule an appointment for us to help you with your urinary incontinence!

What is Urinary Incontinence?

If you have urinary incontinence, it means that you leak urine accidentally. It might just be a few drops, or could be a lot more. Either way, urinary incontinence can have a significant impact on your quality of life and your ability to carry out your daily tasks.

Different Types of Urinary Incontinence

There are different types of urinary incontinence. These are the types that we commonly treat at The Pelvic Model:

  • If you have stress incontinence, you leak urine when something increases the pressure on your bladder. Common triggers are coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising.

  • Urge incontinence means that you feel a sudden, intense need to urinate, and urine leaks before you can make it to the toilet.

  • Passive incontinence means you have urine leaks that you aren’t aware of until later, when you go to the bathroom and see a few drops of urine on your underpants.

  • Mixed incontinence happens when you have signs and symptoms of more than one type of incontinence.

You may see your incontinence described above, or you may be having a different experience. Regardless, to find the help you need, start by reaching out to Pelvic Model so our therapists can get to the root cause of your incontinence, provide treatment options and get you on your way to living without leaking hindering your life. Request your appointment today!

How Can Pelvic Physical Therapy Relieve Urinary Incontinence?

It is commonly assumed that only “loose”, weak pelvic floor muscles cause incontinence. While this is certainly true for some folks with incontinence, other people with incontinence actually have the opposite problem. Namely, their pelvic floor muscles are habitually too tight and contracted.

Both situations lead to the same problem: the pelvic floor muscles are unable to produce an effective contraction, so the urethra doesn’t close effectively, and urine leaks. (The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body.

If you have incontinence, you may develop coping habits over time, such as frequent “just in case” urination or limiting your water intake. Unfortunately, habits like these can quickly become counterproductive, leading to increased pelvic floor muscle dysfunction.

The therapists at The Pelvic Model Physical Therapy will work with you to discover the unique combination of factors that contribute to your urinary incontinence. Treatment may involve internal and external techniques to improve pelvic floor muscle function, breathing techniques, as well as stretches and strengthening exercises for the muscles of your pelvis. You will work with your physical therapist to identify the factors that influence your urinary urge and frequency symptoms. This knowledge can help you regain control of your urinary symptoms.

Relieve Urinary Incontinence With Pelvic Physical Therapy

If urinary incontinence is interfering with your quality of life, please contact The Pelvic Model today to set up an appointment with one of our dedicated team members. We are eager to get you back to the healthy, active lifestyle you deserve!