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Pelvic Physical Therapy for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Is pelvic organ prolapse keeping you off your feet?
Give Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy A Try!
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is something that therapists at The Pelvic Model Physical Therapy see patients go through often. A common story is: you have just given birth, and you stand up from the toilet and realize there is a heavy sensation in the vagina. You may even look down at your vulvar region and you see something starting to peek out. It’s scary! Especially if you haven’t heard that something like this can happen. The good news is that there are knowledgeable pelvic physical therapists and providers out there that understand your situation. Here is more information about POP.
However your POP is presenting, Pelvic Model is dedicated to providing you with natural, conservative options. Make an appointment today at our Pasadena pelvic floor physical therapy clinic to learn more about our pelvic organ prolapse treatment options!
What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)?
Pelvic organ prolapse is “...The bulging or herniation of one or more pelvic organs into or out of the vagina. The pelvic organs consist of the uterus, vagina, bowel and bladder. Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the muscles, ligaments and fascia (a network of supporting tissue) that hold these organs in their correct positions become weakened.” (International Urogynecological Association).
Those at risk for POP are pregnant people, those who have given birth, and people who put excessive pressure on their pelvic floor. For example, pushing and straining with bowel movements creates excess pressure on the pelvic floor, and this can weaken the connective tissue (e.g. fascia and ligaments) in the pelvis. Further, hormones and menopause can play a factor in pelvic organ prolapse because estrogen is a contributor to healthy connective tissue, and connective tissue help support pelvic organs.
Different types of prolapse:
Prolapses are named after what organ is herniating into the vagina.
Cystocele - The bladder herniating into the vagina
Urethrocele - The urethra herniating into the vagina
Uterine prolapse - The uterus herniating into the vagina
Rectocele - The rectum herniating into the vagina
Signs and Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse:
Heaviness or bulging sensation in the vagina
Pain or “dragging” felt in the low back
Urinary symptoms (e.g. urinary incontinence, difficulty evacuating urine)
Bowel symptoms (e.g. difficulty evacuating stool, difficulty cleaning or staining after defecation)
Discomfort or pain with intercourse
What Pelvic Physical Therapy Can Do For Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Part of the pelvic floor muscle function is to support visceral organs. Because of this, pelvic physical therapists are an integral part of the team to treat pelvic organ prolapse and manage symptoms. We address pelvic floor muscle function, and we train according to what we find. Pelvic PTs assess for pelvic floor muscle mobility, strength, endurance, etc. as these are all factors that contribute to minimizing POP’s symptoms. We also address bowel habits, establish healthy ergonomics, and help implement correct lifting mechanics. These all help minimize pressure put on the pelvic floor and decrease chances of exacerbating symptoms.
In the event of a pelvic organ prolapse surgery or abdominal surgery (e.g. hysterectomy), a pelvic PT is still an integral part of rehabilitation. Studies have shown that after a surgery like a hysterectomy, the likelihood of pelvic organ prolapse increases. The Pelvic Model Physical Therapy’s team is able to implement pelvic floor muscle training, habits, and mechanics to minimize the chances of POP occurring. Further, we are able to implement an appropriate exercise program to improve POP and return those with POP to exercise.
Contact Pelvic Model For Effective Pelvic Organ Prolapse Relief
POP may be controlling your life, but it does not have to! We will give you the help you need to get back to doing the things you enjoy without issues. Make an appointment with Pelvic Model today to begin your journey toward relief!