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Pelvic Physical Therapy for Pudendal Neuralgia
Is Pain From Pudendal Neuralgia Holding You Back?
Get Back To Life With Pelvic Physical Therapy!
Pudendal neuralgia is an infamous pelvic condition. Due to its obscurity, navigating through it can be daunting without a knowledgeable professional guiding you. The good news is that therapists at The Pelvic Model Physical Therapy know how to do just that. There is hope out there for those who suffer from pudendal neuralgia, and our therapists are here for you. It is pertinent to have a pelvic PT in your corner because the leading cause is pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Schedule an appointment at our Pasadena clinic today to start healing from Pudendal Neuralgia.
What is Pudendal Neuralgia?
One of the main nerves in the pelvis is the pudendal nerve. Pudendal neuralgia is a condition that occurs when there is damage or irritation to this nerve causing stabbing/shooting pain along where it is distributed. The pudendal nerve courses through the pelvis innervating multiple structures such as the vulva and clitoris or penis and scrotum, part of the anal canal and part of the urethra, perianal region, majority of the pelvic floor muscles, and the perineum. Subsequently, those with pudendal neuralgia can experience pain or discomfort in those areas.
It is important to differentiate between pudendal neuralgia and pudendal nerve entrapment. Pudendal neuralgia is pudendal nerve irritation that lasts long after the irritant has been removed. Pudendal nerve entrapment is much more rare, and its classifying factor is that it is physiologically entrapped, requiring surgery to release the nerve. Pudendal nerve entrapment typically happens after a surgery or a major trauma around the nerve.
Signs and symptoms of Pudendal Neuralgia:
Vulvar or penile and/or scrotal pain
Perineal pain
Anal pain
Clitoral pain
Pain in the sit bones
Pain associated with defecation
Pain associated with orgasm
Pain associated with urination
Pudendal neuralgia is traditionally diagnosed using the Nantes criteria.
Pain in the area of the pudendal nerve
Pain that is made worse by sitting
Pain does not cause you wake at night
No sensory loss
Pain is relieved with a pudendal nerve block
Seeing a licensed physical therapist at Pelvic Model for a thorough evaluation of your condition is the best way to determine how to help your pudendal neuralgia resolve. Request an appointment today!
How Can A Pelvic Physical Therapist Help Relieve My Pudendal Neuralgia Symptoms?
Just like people go to their orthopedic physical therapist for carpal tunnel syndrome, people should go to pelvic physical therapists for pudendal neuralgia. In the clinic we look at all internal and external structures that could contribute to your pudendal symptoms. An assessment will include looking at the pelvis and sacroiliac joint function. Further, your pelvic PT will assess the pelvic floor muscles and hip musculature, which is important due to the course of the nerve. Connective tissue is another factor a pelvic floor physical therapist is able to assess on those with pudendal neuralgia. The connective tissue surrounding the pudendal nerve and what it innervates can create some pudendal nerve symptoms, such as the infamous “golf ball” sensation while sitting.
Pelvic floor physical therapists know that there are many factors that can contribute to pudendal neuralgia, including ones that require providers outside of the physical therapy scope of practice. Further, our pelvic PTs know that there can be other diagnoses at play such as endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, etc. Here at The Pelvic Model Physical Therapy, we know that visceral structures talk to somatic structures (sensory aka feeling, or motor aka moving structures). This means our skill in visceral mobilization along with knowing to work with an interdisciplinary team is pertinent to some individuals’ care.
Find Long-lasting Pudendal Neuralgia Relief With Pelvic Model
Let our expert pelvic floor physical therapists help you heal from Pudendal Neuralgia. We can guide you through your healing journey as well as provide as much information needed to beat your pudendal neuralgia symptoms. Click here to request an appointment to heal from pudendal neuralgia today.